Adding ForgeBot to your server

Click the link below to invite the bot into the server of your choosing:

Invite ForgeBot to your server

When installing the bot please do not change the permissions that it comes with.

The Forge Discord bot is needed in your server for any Discord quests you would like to run as part of the campaign.

An admin-only “config” channel will be created at the top of the server.

Use this channel to start the process of tailoring the bot to your requirements.

Bot Features

Discord Currency Ecosystem

You can set up a currency to be earned within your Discord server. The main methods to earn currency are the Faucet and Give-to-Get.

Currency Faucet

The Currency Faucet is a feature where users can type a message once per time interval to receive currency.

A Faucet Chain is triggered if a user triggers the currency faucet shortly after another user triggers theirs. A bonus amount of currency is earned for triggering a faucet chain.

This incentivizes users to check the server multiple times throughout the day to maximize their faucet gains.

Give to Get

Give-to-Get is where users can type a message that mentions another user, and both receive some currency.

This incentivizes users to try and get to know each other, and get mentioned as much as possible.

/profile command

The /profile command displays your currency balance, your rank, and your faucet and give-to-get cooldowns.

/leaderboard command

The /leaderboard command displays the owners of the top 10 biggest currency balances.

/transfer command

Allows users to transfer some currency to other users.

Crypto Roles Validator

You can define a Discord role in the config channel to be automatically granted to users that have a minimum required balance of a crypto token.

Currently only works with Ethereum smart contracts.

Twitter Quests

Twitter Quests are a way to boost your tweets by encouraging your Discord server members to like, comment, and share them. The following commands are all admin-only. You can change the permissions to include moderators in Server Settings->Integrations->Forge->/twitter-quest

/twitter-quest create

Start the process to configure and submit a Twitter Quest. Submitting a quest will post a call-to-action message in your assigned campaign channel. When a quest’s deadline passes, a ‘Quest has ended’ message will be posted in the campaign channel, alongside a list of giveaway winners.

/twitter-quest edit

Edit an existing Twitter Quest. Once a quest ends, it can’t be edited or restarted.

/twitter-quest get-winners

Display in a hidden response any number of winners for the giveaway. Use this if you want to increase the number of winners after the quest has ended.

/twitter-quest status

Display in a hidden response how many server members have completed at least one of the three tasks, and how many have completed all three.

/twitter-quest reset-giveaway-entries

Use this command to reset the number of giveaway entries to 0. By default, completing a quest gets users a giveaway entry for all future giveaway pools. These accumulate with each subsequent quest, meaning a user with 2 completed Twitter Quests will be entered twice into the giveaway. This command does not reset giveaway entries earned in currently running quests.

Discord Campaign Quests

  • Join [partner] Discord Server
  • Gain [Role] role
  • Type [x] messages
  • Trigger the currency faucet
  • Trigger give-to-get